Prof Denis O’Sullivan. Analysed moon rocks brought back by Neil Armstrong on board the Apollo 11 spacecraft. Photograph: Eric Luke

The physicist, who died in February, worked with Nasa to protect astronauts from radiation

The US FDA has moved to stop seven companies from promoting silver-based products with claims they can be used to treat Covid-19. Photograph: iStock

Avoid online advice from dodgy sources, the situation is scary enough without fake news

A scientific study found the richness of bumblebee species declined rapidly between 2000 and 2014. File photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The decline of the insects could make things even worse as we face a sixth great extinction

During the last ice age a tundra environment stretched from what is now France to Canada and south to China. This huge habitat included mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, bison, reindeer, horses, elk and predators including cave lions and wolves

Researchers believe that ‘rewilding’ vast areas of Arctic tundra might be the answer

All it took was a 60-year drought to wipe out Nineveh, capital of the great Neo-Assyrian Empire and the largest city in the world until its fall in 612 BC.

Symbolic timepiece shows two minutes to midnight, closest to apocalypse since cold war

 The 27km-long Large Hadron Collider at Meyrin, Switzerland.  Cern, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, is the world’s largest laboratory for research into particle physics. Photograph:  Ronald Patrick

Ireland must continue to internationalise its research by joining key scientific bodies

Prof He Jiankui: his  modification was in the germline, the cells that bring about the next generation and the next and the next. Photograph:  Anthony Kwan/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The scientific community criticised the work of Chinese scientist He Jiankui for crossed a red line in genetics research

What used to be frozen is now thawing and is doing so remarkably quickly

There’s an essential ingredient missing from Lapland this year. Snow.

During European heatwaves between July 29th and August 3rd, the melt run-off in Greenland was estimated at 55 billion tonnes, about 40 billion tonnes more than the average for those days between 1981 and 2010. Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty

The world’s governments need to begin preparing for existential risk scenarios

Confusion over trying to guess where Brexit is likely to dump us all serves to undermine the UK’s ability to attract talent. File photograph: Steve Parsons/PA Wire

Nobel prize winner leaves as reality of disconnecting from EU funding network sets in

Former US first lady Lady Bird Johnson (polka-dot dress), her husband former president Lyndon B Johnson (dark suit) and former vice-president Spiro T Agnew (holding glass, far right)  at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, watching the launch of  Apollo 11  on its mission to carry out the first  manned lunar landing. Photograph: National Geographic/Getty Images

Even as Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the moon the city of York, Pennsylvania, was convulsed by a race riot

The society was founded by Thomas Prior, above, and 13 friends, all male and all from the middle classes of the Protestant ascendency

The society, founded in 1731, has always had innovation as its central focus

Dr John McKeon established the company in 2000 when working in a Dublin asthma and allergy clinic.

Founder surprised at lack of awareness over trigger factors that cause breathing distress

“We are damaging the web of life and the way that species interconnect and interact, but we don’t know to what end or how the damage we are causing will impact on ourselves.” Photograph: John Giles/PA Wire

UN report shows human activity is driving life on Earth towards a catastrophic end

Boris Karloff as Frankenstein’s monster. Photograph: Hulton Archive/Getty

These technologies must be kept out of the hands of people who would misuse them

While the majority of neurons are already in place at the time of birth, neuron production continues in certain brain regions. Photograph: iStock

Study shows brain cells and new knowledge continue to be produced well into old age

When Nasa needed help for their moon mission they came to Dublin looking for Denis O’Sullivan. Photograph: Eric Luke

Recognition of formidable history in space and science always eclipsed by success in arts

Some bacteria have become totally resistant to all  our antimicrobials. And now we have to begin responding to potentially dangerous organism arising in nature

Medics and vets have seen agents such as the MRSA hospital bug and ‘totally drug-resistant TB’ survive treatment and come back str(...)

Learning by building: Lego in bygone  days was a dedicated building toy with just a few different brick sizes to work with but plenty of room for imagination and the creation of something different each time. Photograph: Getty

Humble train sets offer a better challenge to children than ‘passive’ smartphone play

Nasa’s InSight lander on the surface of Mars. Photograph: Nasa/JPL-Caltech/via Reuters

Funding for InSight programme at risk if US president proceeds with ‘space force’ plan

Enterprise Ireland and the Irish Universities Association jointly fund an agency, Knowledge Transfer Ireland, set up specifically to see scientific discoveries commercialised

But researchers should be keenly aware of the financial potential of commercialisation

How many of us are of the view that we are not receiving the salary we deserve?. Photograph: iStock

Virtually everyone in one UK recruitment firm’s survey felt underpaid for their work

The Amazon logo and stock price information   at the Nasdaq market site in New York on  September 4th, the day Amazon  became a trillion dollar company. Photograph:   Reuters

The sophistication of data analysis systems continues to grow, as does our willingness to allow tech giants to permeate our daily (...)

“Research costs lots of money with the expense of spotting, developing and proving the safety of promising drugs running into the billions.”  Photograph: Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images

Success of pharma giants relies on quality of research and ability to develop new drugs

Tesla founder Elon Musk caused an international news sensation when he made vile allegations without any foundation against one of the divers involved in the Thai cave rescue. Photograph: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty

Elon Musk is just the latest high achiever to overstep bounds of social acceptibility

A water tanker near Vartry Reservoir in Co Wicklow. Photograph:   Niall Carson/PA Wire

Drought conditions have left soils as dry as cardboard and water sources running low

For some years now, since the economy recovered, we have heard repeatedly about a shortfall in the numbers of computer graduates.

Scheme is 10-year effort to increase postgrad students working in various IT industries

OxyMem co-founders  Prof Eoin Casey and Dr Eoin Syron. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

OxyMem wins innovation award for project that took nearly 15 years to come to market

There are a number of methods used to edit the DNA of any organism, and it is possible to be highly specific and precise when you go in to  make a genetic change

Dick Ahlstrom: It will be possible for labs to make ‘corrections’ to eliminate the risk of gene-based diseases even before birth

FenuHealth co-founders Annie Madden and Kate Madden set up a successful equine health company built on work done as  students taking part in the Young Scientist competition.

State and private supports can help start-ups but good business ideas come from research

Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik creates a sand sculpture in honour of the late Stephen Hawking, at Puri beach in  India, this week. Photograph:  STR/EPA

Physical challenges could not halt the innovative theories and new thought that flowed from him to us

The idea of global warming was developed by the Irish scientist and Carlow man, John Tyndall (1820-93). Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA Wire

So what can Ireland do to reduce CO2 release given that 97 per cent of the energy we use comes from carbon fuels

International consortium Gencomm is seeking to turn into hydrogen excess power produced by wind-energy installations.

Project linked to NUI Galway seeks to utilise surplus power generated by wind turbines

“There are a number of key elements of the proposals that cause, or should cause, a degree of alarm in educationalists.”

Plan to link funding to ‘key national priorities’ ignores underlying problems

No one wanted to see mug shots of the political hopefuls competing for space on the street lights and telephone poles with the Christmas decorations

Dick Ahlstrom: Let there be no repeat of the recent unedifying political point-scoring

Science Week 2017: In an hour-long television feature, A Robot Stole My Job, presenter Anne-Marie Tomchak took viewers on a highly engaging tour through the world of robots and artificial intelligence and how robots that can learn might change the dynamic between machine and human

Ireland tends to focus on the arts but our scientists and their careers are world class

Satellites allowed us watch as storm Ophelia approached Ireland. Image: NOAA via AP

Highly advanced early-warning systems were in place in advance of storm Ophelia

Prof Wendelin Werner’s work ‘represents one of the most exciting and fruitful interactions between mathematics and physics in recent times’

‘It is about asking simple natural questions, and the answers are not always those that our intuition would guess’

Academic researchers and companies such as ESB Networks have been working on developing ways to feed renewable power back into the national grid. Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

Stop telling country dwellers how great high-speed broadband will be – just deliver it

The Makayabella drugs bust off Cork coast. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Government is looking for firms to bid for warehousing and transport project

Writer warns we must acknowledge the weaknesses and limitations of forecasts if a business hopes to live up to its predicted expectations

Start-up rate similar to that in the US and is high compared to European countries

Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Films and television portray business owners thinking on their feet before making an instant choice in the face of rapidly changing conditions. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Descendant of scientist and wife have developed a slow but reliable way to make choices

Dr Ruairi Friel, CEO of Westway Health, the NUI Galway spin-out which is taking on the global challenge of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Photograph: Aengus McMahon

Researchers have come up with way to wipe out bacteria without the risk of resistance

President Donald Trump has said he will pull the US out of the accord and allow more fossil fuel production. Photograph: Getty Images

Future generations will be in retreat if we fail to make Paris Agreement work

President Donald Trump has said he will pull the US out of the accord and allow more fossil fuel production. Photograph: Getty Images

Future generations will be in retreat if we fail to make Paris Agreement work

Charles Darwin was 40 by the time he was ready to publish ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection’. Photograph: Richard Milner Archive

Forties become the new 20s for physicists as Nobel-winning work takes longer to achieve

“If you are the guy watching your hair thin and gradually disappear you are not going to be happy about it and will be cheering on the scientists.”

Our shared global responsibilities to one another are not reflected in the numbers

Social media network concept on phone. Photograph: iStock

Big brother is already watching over us – but what kind of brother will he be?

Understanding the science issues will help you make your mind up and expose the false claims that build up

President Trump’s comments on climate change are a stark reminder why we all need to understand science at some level

Plumes  coming from the new incinerator at Poolbeg. “No waste has been burned, no smoke emitted,” said a spokesman for US operator Covanta. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Incinerator blowing harmless steam to clean pipes, and not burning waste, says Covanta

Even our pets are driven by incentivisation. It is all part of pack dynamics. Photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The pursuit of delivering something new, better, faster or unique is built into us

Yeast is well known in bread-making and brewing, but scientists believe it could form the basis to replace products such as plam oil, petrochemicals and cosmetics.

Irish researchers at UCC seek to push yeast engineering to a whole new level

Server room with modern mainframe equipment in data centre

Major gains are expected from the emergence of personalised medicine, care specifically tailored to match your genetic make-up

The new research answers several  questions including how  supermassive black holes managed to form so quickly after the Big Bang

Astrophysicist John Regan publishes revolutionary findings in ‘Nature Astronomy’

The sole winning Irish entry to the Wellcome Image Awards for 2017. Over an eight-week period, 92,915 tweets were collected to study the communication of #breastcancer. This graph shows how Twitter users, each represented by a dot called a node, are connected through their retweeting and sharing of this hashtag. Computer analysis has been used to convert this 3D data into a 2D pattern. Credit: Eric Clarke, Richard Arnett, Jane Burns, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Wellcome Image Awards: Irish academic team used 92,915 tweets with ‘#breastcancer’

Electrolysis: Researchers at Trinity have found that  something unexpected   happens when you take a  really close look –  tiny bubbles   form  that have surprising properties. Illustration: Woodcut engraving (1877)/Getty

Quantum electrolysis behaviour may not have an obvious application – just like radio

Prof Fergal O’Gara, director of the Biomerit Research Centre at University College Cork.

Team applies to patent discovery that allows antibiotics disrupt ‘biofilm’ protection

A dental plaque deposit on this Spanish Neanderthal’s teeth reveals consumption of poplar, a source of aspirin. Photograph: Paleoanthropology Group MNCN-CSIC

Ancient Spanish and Belgian dental plaque shows meat-eater and vegetarian habits

Prof Dervilla Donnelly (left) was taken aback by her selection for the award: Photograph: Eric Luke

Cunningham Medal recipient Prof Dervilla Donnelly is first woman to receive award

The rock structure that held the fossils at the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt in Canada. Photograph: Dominic Papineau

Researchers must now prove that the fossils, found in Canada, are biological in origin

Bumblebees new to this insect premiership can be taught the trick using a demonstrator bee that already knows how to get the reward. Photograph: Getty Images

Scoring goals gives the bee a reward and they can improve on what they have learned

The 10-a-day portion list includes an apple, a small banana, a pear, a mandarin, three tablespoons of spinach, peas, broccoli or cauliflower. A portion weighs in at 80g. File photograph:  Eric Vidal/Reuters

Disease risks fall as intake of vegetables and fruit increases, Imperial College team finds

John Regan, Aoife Gowen and Anil Kokaram are among the scientists in Ireland to have benefited from Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

Hugely successful programme expects to support 100,000th fellow in 2017

Thousands of exoplanets orbiting stars have been discovered but few are the Earth’s size. File photograph: Getty Images

Trappist-1 is 40 light years away but scientists believe orbiting planets may support life

A new study of longevity trends in 35 industrialised countries shows that people in all countries can expect to be living longer. Photograph: John Stillwell/PA Wire

Irish men born in 2030 set for life expectancy of 84 years with women reaching 87

Cancer death rates in men have declined by eight per cent over the past five years, but cancer deaths among women have only fallen by four per cent, a new  study shows. Photograph: PA

New study finds improvement is slower in women because of rising lung cancer deaths

Batman Begins:  Researchers are closing in on technology deployed to power the flying cape in the film Batman Begins.

Caped Crusader’s capacity for flight moves a step closer after latest advance in research

Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland, speaking at the agency’s End of Year statement 2016 and the launch of its 2017-2020 strategy. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Agency invests €32m in companies, many in science, technology, engineering and maths

Trinity College Dublin’s Prof Kingston Mills: The vaccine  “is the greatest ever medical invention for preventing human diseases”. Photograph: David Sleator

Prof Kingston Mills claims social media are being used to erode confidence in vaccines

Hearts’ Aaron Hughes and Hibernians’ Brian Graham battle for a header during a Scottish Cup match at Tynecastle earlier this month. File photograph: Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

New research finds brain damage associated with the disease in retired soccer players

Prof Michel Destrade, chair of applied mathematics in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway. Photograph: Aengus McMahon

Human body did not evolve to cope with most important organ moving inside skull

John Ward, a Traveller making tinware near Galway, in 1971. Photograph: Pat Langan.

Study finds Travellers emerged as distinct group up to 200 years before Great Famine

Aircraft surveying in Co Galway. Credit: Sander Geophysics Ltd and Geological Survey Ireland

A nationwide geological survey is helping to find Ireland’s hidden treasure – and hidden dangers

Trinity College Dublin professor in genetics Aoife McLysaght. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Move could open up new treatment options for difficult to treat conditions

Dr Barry Doyle: front centre, with colleagues from the Vascular Engineering Laboratory at the University of Western Australia

‘We hope to begin by printing organs that are alive and can be implanted into animals, to help us work towards one day being able (...)

 Dr Paul Cotter is filmed  by the BBC for ‘Trust Me, I’m a Doctor’. Photograph: Leila Finikarides/BBC Television

Teagasc’s Dr Paul Cotter will appear on ‘Trust Me, I’m a Doctor’ on Wednesday night

Receiving their  Royal Irish Academy gold medals on Tuesday were  Louis Cullen (left), professor emeritus in history at  Trinity College Dublin, and Fergus Shanahan, professor and chairman of the department of medicine at University College Cork and director of the APC Microbiome Institute. Photograph: Johnny Bambury

Research professors from Trinity and UCC awarded gold medals for achievements

Prof Mark Ferguson, director-general of Science Foundation Ireland, said Brexit offers great opportunities for Ireland to attract leading UK scientists. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

Science Foundation Ireland among funders planning for exodus of scientists post-Brexit

Artist’s impression of Saccorhytus  Credit:  Jian Han, Northwest University, China

540 million year old fossils reveal ‘very first stages of evolution’, say researchers

Science Foundation Ireland conducted a survey among young people to see what they thought about Stem and found that the student’s primary concern when choosing their college course was “fitting in” with others, not the subject material.

High dropout rates in science and maths at third level must also be addressed

The substance is so important that without it you could not fight the flu virus. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA Wire

TCD scientists believe biochemical could play role in boosting weakened immune system

UCC professors John Cryan and Ted Dinan, leaders of the research on prebiotics and stress. Photograph: Catherine Buckley/APC Microbiome Institute

UCC researchers have developed a dietary method of combatting worry and anxiety

Bees foraging in Limerick this week.  They may be tricked into breeding too early by the weather. Photograph: John Breen

The insects have started early due to the weather, but a cold snap could wipe out hives

Chinese president Xi Jinping and US president Barack Obama formally commit to the Paris agreement in September 2016. Photograph: Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

As temperatures and CO2 levels rise, Donald Trump is set to go back on Paris agreement

An innovative soft robotic sleeve which can help a heart to beat has been developed by researchers including Dr Ellen Roche (above) of National University of Ireland Galway.

Dr Ellen Roche pioneers sleeve for placing around heart which beats in synchrony with it

Central to the work, which involved  Trinity College Dublin, St James’s Hospital, the Coombe hospital and the University of Hull, was the isolation and study of cancer stem cells. Photograph: Getty Images

Scientists discover way to make radiotherapy more effective in oesophageal cancer care

Shay Walsh, managing director BT Ireland (left) and Richard Bruton, Minister for Education (right)  with Overall BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the Year 2017 Shane Curran from Terenure College with his project qCrypt: The quantum-secure, encrypted, data storage solution with multijurisdictional quorum sharding technology in the Technology section, at the 2017 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Shane Curran develops encrypted data storage system ‘guaranteed to remain secure’

Ian McDonagh from Merlin College with his project on the Cures and Folkways of the Irish Traveller at this Years BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Ian McDonagh carries out survey of herbal cures and healers used by Traveller community

Liam O’Meara (13) from Castletroy College Limerick with his traffic sensor exhibit   at  BT Young Scientist & Technology exhibition. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons

Student’s traffic light sensor moves drivers through intersections safely and more quickly

Primary school pupils at the RDS Primary Science Fair in Dublin. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

The study is one of dozens of class projects at this year’s RDS Primary Science Fair

Mike Brown, professor of planetary astronomy, points to the gold ring showing the orbital path of Planet Nine at Caltec in California. Photograph: Patrick T Fallon via Getty Images

Most astronomers are sceptical about the existence of Planet Nine, but mathematical models suggest there is something unseen out t(...)

Emily Murphy from St Mary’s Secondary School Mallow with her project on the production and combustion of fuel pellets made from waste coffee grounds at this Years BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Cork schoolgirl Emily Murphy says method could reduce waste and provide fuel source

President Michael D Higgins addresses the opening ceremony at the 2017 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. Photograph: Alan Betson

President Higgins praises students as he officially opens 2017 exhibition at Dublin’s RDS

 Aimee O’Neill and Margot Moore, first year students from Loreto Foxrock, join James Soper of the Ultimate Science Show at the launch of the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibitioin, at the RDS. Photograph: Eric Luke

Almost 1,150 student exhibitors are preparing to display 550 projects at the RDS

Arctic Ocean: There is no doubting the reality of human-induced climate change, says Prof Brian Ó Gallachóir, professor of energy policy and modelling at the environmental research institute at UCC. Photograph: Arterra/UIG via Getty Images

Seas have been heating up for 75 years as notion of ‘global warming hiatus’ overturned

The team ran brain scans on people with ASD and on healthy volunteers, looking for any differences between the two.

Team believes discovery points towards new therapies

The researchers say full-sugar soft drinks account for a third of UK teens’ sugar intake, and are a major cause of increasing rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes

Diet alternatives cannot promise weight loss and may trigger weight gain, says study

Olivia Buckley from John The Baptist Community School in Limerick investigated whether yoghurt is good for foals. Photograph: Liam Burke/Press 22

Annual show with 550 research projects set to attract 50,000 visitors to RDS in Dublin

This whole discovery thing about research is over rated.

. . . and none of the reasons make any sense

Valitacell chief executive Dr Terry McWade: co-founded the company with Dr Jerry Clifford.

UCD-based Irish biological drug firm lists GE and MedImmune among clients

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