Electricians vote for strike action over pay arrears

Electricians have voted by 95 per cent for a national strike in the electrical contracting sector.

Electricians have voted by 95 per cent for a national strike in the electrical contracting sector.

Up to 6,000 electricians, represented by the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union TEEU, say the strike action has resulted from the failure of employers to pay a one per cent payment due under the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness.

The union also says employers are failing to agree new basic rates with electricians.

According to the TEEU, the dispute could seriously affect construction, manufacturing and service


The TEEU is due to meet on Tuesday to decide what form industrial action will take.

Members have balloted over the past week on the one-off payment due under the PPF most private sector workers would have received in September 2002 and the failure to agree a new rate, due to come into effect on April 1st this year. .

Employers are disputing the use of annualised hours' agreements in some companies as the basis for calculating pay.

TEEU's National Industrial Officer for the sector, Mr Davy Naughton said: "While it's up to Tuesday's meeting to decide the form of industrial action in pursuit of these outstanding claims it is likely to be a sustained all-out stoppage rather than initial token stoppages, given the mood of the members."