Elton ties the knot in a sober fashion

Britain: There were two feather boas, a motorised leopard-skin sofa and a spangly silver jacket but the man affectionately described…

Britain: There were two feather boas, a motorised leopard-skin sofa and a spangly silver jacket but the man affectionately described by his fans as a "raving queen" sprang a surprise yesterday.

Leaving high camp to the crowd, Sir Elton Hercules John registered his civil partnership with David Furnish wearing an impeccably restrained dark suit.

Civil, understated, and in the shadow of Windsor Castle, it was a partnership Queen Elizabeth would probably approve of. The house of Windsor could also learn a trick or too from the celebrities that increasingly eclipse it. Bowing before his audience like a portly stationmaster pleased to have won a tidy platform award, Sir Elton blew kisses and waved back the crowd's affection.

The middle-aged women clutching en route to their Christmas shopping agreed it was a spectacle far superior to the royal wedding, when Charles and Camilla had grimaced and gurned before fleeing their fans gathered on the narrow high street.


The entertainer formerly known as Reg Dwight showed the royal family how to work a crowd. "Thank you so much everyone," he said. "Thank you. Fantastic." No protesting voices were raised outside the highest-profile of the 678 civil partnership ceremonies held by gay and lesbian couples across England and Wales yesterday. Instead, Sir Elton's determination to have a low-key private day was politely sabotaged by a mob of curious, accepting and terribly genteel onlookers who made room for each other on stone doorsteps. "We came for the fun and a little bit of razzmatazz," said Carole Hewett from nearby Maidenhead, surveying the grey hulk of Windsor castle behind the 17th century Guildhall, where Sir Elton "married" Mr Furnish, his partner of 12 years. "This is living in the 21st century."

In many ways, it was: media-made celebrities doing royalty better than the family born to it and a popular acceptance of "gay marriage" - or celebrity gay marriage at least - that even stretched to teenage boys. "I thought it was really good," said Drew Freezer (13). "His car looked pretty nice and I reckon he's got a really nice lifestyle. I hope he has a good life," his brother, Luke (11) added solemnly.

This was largely a girls' day out. "My husband is totally against it," said Mrs Hewett. "When we got up at six this morning he said 'you're mad'. He knows I'm here but he doesn't want anything to do with it."

"I'm not into his music but I like his style," said Bob Charles (66), who with Roy Williams, his partner of 39 years, was one of the few gay couples outside the Guildhall. "He's just a typical raving queen."

They agreed that as gay activists in the 1960s they would never have imagined a day like this would come.

The lack of kitsch disappointed some. "I like reading about him - his wobblies and tantrums," said Kelly Trevisani. "I thought he would wear a more flamboyant suit, all glittery and white, but it doesn't matter," said Melanie Freezer. "It was better than Prince Charles's wedding. He just seemed to get in the car. Elton wanted to be here."

Despite the understatedness of the £560 ceremony showbiz is an irresistible force of human nature.

Sir Elton peered at a pyramid of photographers from behind purple shades and sported a glitzy brooch on his jacket.

Out of sight of the crowds, the couple first went into the mayor's parlour to sign the register.

Then they entered the Ascot Room, where the ceremony took place before the registrar, Clair Williams - who married Charles and Camilla - seven guests and one dog.

Victoria Beckham, Helena Bonham Carter and Sir Michael Caine were among stars at Sir Elton's wedding party in his Windsor home last night. - (Guardian Service)