Emma shows the Good way of living with a disabling disease

Emma Good has spastic cerebral palsy. It would be wrong to say that she suffers from it

Emma Good has spastic cerebral palsy. It would be wrong to say that she suffers from it. When she was a child her mother noticed that there was something special about Emma's prayers. She began to note them down. Two collections of them were published in the late 1970s and brought courage and inspiration to many who read them.

Now Emma is publishing her own book - the story of her life. It is the story of a young woman who refused to allow herself to be defeated by the difficulties being a spastic presented to her. It is simply and movingly told, and illustrates why she should not be said to suffer from spastic cerebral palsy. She has it, and has got on with the business of living with it. She teaches in adult literacy and speech and drama.

There is a gentle humour in the book. Where it would be easy to be irritated by the way in which some people behave as though she were still a child, Emma reacts with some amusement at their lack of understanding. This delightful little volume is entitled Stick-Ability, in itself a delightful pun on the fact that she gets about with two sticks. Information about it can be had from the Methodist Manse, 9 Dergmoney Place, Omagh, BT78 1HS.

Just over a week ago, on the other side of the world, the Rev Norman Brookes was installed as President of the Methodist Church in New Zealand. Mr Brookes was born in Dublin, and at the age of 10 emigrated with his parents to New Zealand. The installation conference was held in Wellington.


From November 28th to 30th the midlands and southern district of the Church is holding a Youth Weekend in Kilfinane Outdoor Education Centre in Co Limerick. The programme includes orienteering, hillwalking, climbing, canoeing and an assault course. The organiser is the Rev Richard Rowe, district youth secretary.

The Omagh Methodist Church is holding its first Flower Festival from November 28th to 30th. This will be opened by Mr Basil McIvor, a former MP and minister of state. Mr McIvor spent part of his boyhood in Omagh, where his father served for some years as Methodist minister.