Ennis McDonald's gets go-ahead

Planning permission has been granted for the development of a McDonald's drive-through restaurant in Ennis, Co Clare

Planning permission has been granted for the development of a McDonald's drive-through restaurant in Ennis, Co Clare. Gordon Deegan reports.

The Mid-Western Health Board's department of health promotion had lodged an objection to the fast-food restaurant last year due to concerns over the impact on children's health.

The objection, lodged by health board community dieticians Dr Anne Griffin and Ms Audrey Lyons, said whatever the short-term financial benefits might be, a price could not be put on children's health.

However, the health board distanced itself from the objection. The then chief executive, Mr Stiofán de Búrca, said the objection was a "personal statement". In a subsequent letter to Ennis Town Council, the health board confirmed that it had no objection to the plan.


Granting planning permission yesterday, the council said the proposals were in accordance with proper planning and development and would not be injurious to the amenity of adjacent properties.

However, Green Party councillor Mr Brian Meaney said he would appeal to An Bord Pleanála in a bid to ascertain the health impacts of the proposal.

He said he was disappointed that the council has not sought to investigate the health impacts of McDonald's. "Only this week, the Lancet published a major new study finding that people who eat fast food more than twice a week are more likely to be overweight and at risk of obesity and diabetes.This cannot be ignored by local authorities or An Bord Pleanála when ruling on applications for fast-food outlets," Mr Meaney continued.

"There must be safeguards for communities and it is incumbent on them to ensure that the public is aware of the health impacts of such outlets, and more so outlets that target children in their advertising campaigns."