Call for census forms to be returned before May 23rd deadline

People asked to contact their enumerator and keep form safe for collection

There is a legal obligation to fill out and return census forms, and those who refuse are liable for fines of up to € 25,000. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

With just two weeks left until census collections are completed, people have been asked to look out for their enumerator to ensure they are not left out.

Enumerators will continue collecting forms filled out on census night, 24th April, until Monday 23rd May, and members of the public have been asked to keep their forms safe and to alert their local enumerator if the completed form has not been picked up yet.

"Certain areas and dwellings are proving challenging so we would ask people who have not heard from their enumerator to make contact with them directly using their calling card or call us on 1850 2016 04 so that we can arrange a time for the form to be collected," said Deirdre Cullen of the Central Statistics Office (CSO).

She continued: “Most Irish people understand why the census matters and feel they are making their mark on Irish history by being included on a census form.


“The information gathered through the 2016 census will be used to inform policy makers and will play a crucial role in decision-making on, for example, where to build more houses, new schools, or locate new businesses.”

Latest figures from the CSO reveal that over three-quarters of the forms have now been collected.

The processing and analysing of data will begin once all forms have been returned to census headquarters in Swords, Co Dublin.

Preliminary results are expected to be published in July with full results available from next March.

There is a legal obligation to fill out and return census forms, and those who refuse are liable for fines of up to €25,000.