City centre traffic restrictions due to Luas works

Disruption for at least three months for utility diversion works

Traffic restrictions at Dublin’s College Green to begin from next week to allow for Luas works. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill / The Irish Times

Motorists will face at least three months of new traffic restrictions at Dublin’s College Green from next week to allow for Luas cross city works.

Only one lane will be available to both cars and buses travelling north to Westmoreland Street in front of the Bank of Ireland on College Green from next Tuesday to facilitate the diversion of underground pipes ahead of the laying of tracks.

The restrictions will be in place throughout the summer, and could continue until the end of September, a spokeswoman for the Luas link-up project said.

Car drivers are already restricted in their use of College Green by the “bus gate”, a ban introduced five years ago on cars travelling north through College Green between 7am-10am and 4pm-7pm Monday to Friday.


However, the new restriction will be in place24 hours a day and will see buses competing with cars for one lane of road space outside the hours of operation of the bus gate. Unlike the bus gate which is governed by signage, the restriction for the Luas works will be physical as the road will be blocked off and dug up by construction workers.

Delays inevitable

Luas Cross City spokeswoman Gráinne Mackin said the work was being carried out during the summer when traffic was quieter, but delays would be inevitable and drivers should use alternative routes where possible. “Our aim is to get a balance between ensuring that the city keeps moving and getting this large construction project completed efficiently. We are asking that people take the College Green works into consideration when travelling to Dublin city centre. Road users that currently travel through this area to access other parts of the city centre are requested to take other approaches or an alternative route.” The

Railway Procurement Agency

hoped to avoid seeking an extension of the hours of the bus gate or a total ban on car traffic through College Green, she said, but to achieve this it was essential that motorists obeyed the current hours of the bus gate, to avoid congestion at peak traffic times.

‘College Green’

“All traffic should continue to observe the College Green bus corridor regulation times currently in place . . . An Garda Síochána will be actively enforcing these regulations during the period of these works,” it said.

The southbound lanes through College Green will remain open throughout the work and there will be no changes to car park access in the area. Dublin Bus services will continue to operate as normal.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times