Dublin breaks 71-year-old sunshine record for June

Month was drier, sunnier but cooler than recent years, says Met Eireann

Enjoying the sun on the East Pier in Dunlaoghaire, Dublin during the good weather last month. Photograph: David Sleator/THE IRISH TIMES

Dublin was the sunniest place in Ireland in June and recorded six consecutive days with more than 14.5 hours sunshine – breaking a 71-year-old record. The sunshine total for June at Dublin airport was 210.8 hours.

Met Eireann monthly weather statistics indicate that sunny and largely dry conditions were prevalent across Ireland but average temperatures were below normal in many areas.

Sunshine hours were at or above normal averages nearly everywhere with Belmullet, Co Mayor topping the table with 128 per cent of normal values.

Cork airport recorded the longest daily tally of sunshine hours with 15.8 hours on June 4th and 7th. Belmullet recorded a similar total on June 8th, its sunniest day since 1995.


Mayo also recorded the highest temperature in Ireland during June with a maximum of 25.4 degrees in Newport on June 8th.

Elsewhere however the majority of temperature averages were below normal. Sherkin Island, Co Cork recorded a mean temperature of 13.1 degrees, some 0.8 degrees below normal. In contrast the mean temperature in Belmullet was 13.6 degrees or 0.4 degrees above the local long-term average value.

While Dublin was sunny, the month was also relatively cool with top temperatures in the city area among the coolest recorded for up to 11 years.

Minimum temperatures were decidedly chilly, largely due to the clear conditions in the early part of the month. The lowest minimum values were recorded on the 5th and 8th of the month while a low of just 2.8 degrees was recorded at Mountdillon, Co Roscommon. It was one of just two days on which ground frost was reported during the month.

Like the temperatures, rainfall was also largely below average although this was not the case in all areas.

While parts of Leinster had their driest June in around seven years. Valentia observatory in Co Kerry recorded 131.1mm of rainfall equivalent to 145 per cent of its local long term average. This contributed to the area's wettest June statistics for six years. Roche's Point in Cork recorded 146 per cent of its long term average.

In contrast, Fermoy, Co Cork recorded just 57 per cent of its long term average while Carlow reported a monthly rainfall total of just 37.6mm equivalent to two-thirds of its average.

Despite the fine and settled conditions in early June, the middle of the month was marked by frontal activity with significant rainfall totals and thunderstorms in places.

Weather patterns returned to usual towards the end of the month with alternative periods of settled weather and bands of rain.