
On rebuilding a democratic society

On rebuilding a democratic society

The documentary The Economics of Happiness will be screened at the Sugar Club, on Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, on Wednesday at 7.30pm. Drawing on experts and workers from six continents, the film sets out to prove that small-scale local economic initiatives can rebuild a more democratic, human-scale society. It will be followed by a panel discussion with the sustainable-development economist Richard Douthwaite, Transition Towns co-ordinator Suzie Cahn, Grow It Yourself founder Mick Kelly and Slow Food International representative Sarah Fleming; €5 on the door. See theeconomicsofhappiness.org.

The shadowy legacy of Dublin’s property boom

The economic crisis has left Ireland with half-finished projects and ghost housing estates. With support from national and international architecture bodies, three Paris-based architects, Mathias Debien, Maxime Jansens and Sébastien Morel, spent six months last year photographing what they saw in Dublin and its hinterland, including the half-built new headquarters for Anglo Irish Bank (above). Dublin Shadowlands is the exhibition of their work, on show at the Irish Architectural Archive Gallery until February 25th. Admission is free. See dublinshadowland. blogspot.com.


Events to promote wisdom in the wetlands

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on February 2nd. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the RAMSAR convention, an international treaty that provided the framework for national and international action on the wise use of wetlands. Birdwatch Ireland is celebrating the anniversary with public events throughout the country this month and next. Check out the list of walks, talks and other trips on birdwatchireland.ie.



This group of environmental organisations have updated their site this week to include submissions on how a new government could introduce the Climate Bill.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment