Sunny June brought hot days and frosty nights

Unsettled weather to continue this week with sunshine forecast for Tuesday

Dubliners enjoy the warm weather at Grand Canal Dock. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

Temperatures were above average during a warm and sunny June despite some frosty nights at the start of the month.

Met Éireann’s weather statistics show that all parts of the country experienced temperatures higher than the expected level for June, with values typically one degree above average nationwide.

This went up to almost two degrees above normal June values in parts of the west, and one weather station in Belmullet, Co Mayo saw its warmest June since it opened in 1956.

It recorded a maximum temperature of 23.1 degrees on June 8th, when temperatures also reached 25.7 degrees in Shannon on the warmest day of the month.


Most stations reported their warmest June in six or seven years, with highest maxima generally recorded during the first eight days of last month.

Clear skies allowed for some sizzling conditions early in the month, but they also facilitated a mini cold snap at night time with a third of weather stations reporting ground frost on eitherJune 1st or 3rd.

Some heavy showers contributed to a mixed picture for rainfall amounts. Casement Aerodrome in Dublin received nearly twice its typical amount of rain for June, and 3.5cm of rain fell at one station in Sligo on June 13th.

The wettest days came in the middle of the month with further downpours in the middle of last week, but conditions were generally settled with low wind speeds and no gales reported anywhere during the month.

The rest of this week will see warm sunny spells alternating with more unsettled periods.

Highest temperatures of 17 to 20 degrees will largely be in the southern half of the country, with dull weather and some potentially heavy showers expected for the northern half for the rest of Monday.

There will be relief from the rain on Tuesday before further showers land on Wednesday. Thursday looks to be the best day of the week with temperatures in the low 20s in parts before another band of possibly heavy rain sets in late on Friday and across Saturday morning.