Will Cop26 solve the problem of extreme weather where you live?

Do you live somewhere that has been adversely affected by climate change?

The summer of 2021 saw wildfires rage across Greece, most intensely on the island of Evia, pictured here. Photograph: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP

The impact of climate change is clear to see in the increasing number of extreme weather events witnessed across the world in recent years.

The summer of 2021 saw wildfires rage across Greece, most intensely on the island of Evia, which had to be evacuated as it became engulfed in flames.

In Germany, flash flooding led to the deaths of over 170 people as torrents of water submerged towns and villages, sweeping away trees, cars and sheds, and destroying swathes of housing.

In California, fire season has gotten increasingly worse over recent years, this year levelling the entire town of Greenville and threatening to destroy the world's largest tree, the General Sherman in Sequoia National Park.


Do you live somewhere like this that has been adversely affected by climate change? If so, what is your view of what is being discussed at Cop26? Do you think the measures proposed are likely to make a material difference?

The Irish Times would like to hear your views on this. We will publish a selection of your responses online.

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