Envoy criticised Gay Byrne

The British ambassador telephoned the secretary of the Department of External Affairs in April 1968 to complain about Gay Byrne…

The British ambassador telephoned the secretary of the Department of External Affairs in April 1968 to complain about Gay Byrne and an episode of The Late Late Show.

Republicans Cathal Goulding and Richard Behal had appeared on the programme and made comments about Princess Margaret and Mr Peter Townsend (whom she had wished to marry). The ambassador, Sir Andrew Gilchrist, told Mr Hugh McCann that he had received complaints, including one from relatives of the princess living in Ireland.

Mr McCann told the ambassador he thought there was little he could do about the matter. Sir Andrew said he appreciated the delicate nature of the government seeking to influence what was put on by RTE. He would, however, have to report the matter to London.

"The ambassador concluded the conversation by commenting that those who produce these programmes seem to lack any sense of responsibility. He suggested that Mr Gay Byrne organised these programmes merely to publicise himself and his programme without a due sense of responsibility towards the community."