Esat BT launches single phone bill service

Competition in the fixed line rental sector for customers increased today following the launch by Esat BT today of its single…

Competition in the fixed line rental sector for customers increased today following the launch by Esat BT today of its single billing service.

The company promises better cost management particularly for companies with multi-site organisations.

In a statement Esat BT said providing the cost of line rental, Internet and phone charges on one  bill would be more convenient for customers.

Mr Bill Murphy, Esat BT's chief executive claimed today that having to pay a separate line rental bill to eircom stopped many consumers shopping around.


Esat BT says businesses using the service will be able provide detailed audits of their capacity to avoid paying for phone lines they are no longer using.

"Competition brings greater choice, price and innovation and businesses that shop around will be the clear winners," he said.
The move follows a direction by the Department of Communications which obliged eircom to allow other operators provide just one bill for call and line rental costs.

"Under eircom's stranglehold, the cost of line rental to businesses has risen over 24 per cent in the past 18 months to be amongst the highest in Europe. My message to businesses is to be smart, shop around and enjoy better value services on a single bill," Mr Murphy said.