Establishment of adoption authority proposed

The establishment of a new adoption authority to replace the existing Adoption Board is to form part of new legislation proposed…

The establishment of a new adoption authority to replace the existing Adoption Board is to form part of new legislation proposed by the Government.

The Adoption Consultation Document, published today by the Minister for Children, Mr Brian Lenihan, also proposes legislation that will reform the current system for adoptive children and biological parents tracing each other.

The report also calls for the ratification of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.

The convention regulates inter-country adoptions.


Under the proposals in the Government document, adoptions will be allowed only from Hague Convention countries or countries with which there is a bilateral agreement.

In respect of tracing and reunion the proposals include:

  • Setting up of National Records Index, managed by the Adoption Authority
  • Setting up of the Contact Preference Register on a legislative basis
  • Access by designated staff in the Authority to State-held databases to speed up tracing
  • Authority to have extensive powers in relation to adoption records, including power to seize records

The Adoption Authority would have the power to attach conditions to an adoption order, allowing for ongoing contact with the birth family, where this is in the best interests of the child. They also include an option of guardianship for step parents and an option of guardianship for foster parents of children in long term foster care.

Following the publication of the consultation document the Minister said: "It has been a very rewarding experience for me to learn from so many people about their experiences of adoption and I appreciate the time, effort and enthusiasm that so many of you put into the process."