State of play in various departments

State of play in various departments


Ten directives to be implemented. Seven are overdue, including one on the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from engines in non-road mobile machinery, and another on the sulphur content of marine fuels.



There are 17 directives to be implemented and 34 directives which have been partially implemented. Of the 17 directives to be implemented, seven are overdue including one training drivers of certain road vehicles.


There are 12 directives to be implemented. Seven are overdue, most relating to the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU.


Nine directives to be implemented. Five are overdue. Two relate to the sale of herbal medicinal products, two to labelling of cosmetic products and the fifth to emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from engines resulting from the accession of Bulgaria and Romania.


Ten directives to be implemented. Three are overdue. The department didn't specify which directives these are.


There are 16 directives to be implemented. Three are overdue. They include one on harmonisation of measuring instruments and another on the involvement of employees in a European Co-operative Society.


There are 13 directives to be implemented. Three have been overdue since the end of March including one on the use of ova and embryos in pure-bred breeding animals.


One directive to be implemented and it is not overdue.


Eight directives to be implemented. None are overdue.

The Departments of Defence, Community and Rural Affairs, Social Affairs, Arts, Foreign Affairs, and Taoiseach have no directives outstanding.