Exports fall slightly in 2004

Ireland's merchandise trade with non-EU countries fell marginally in 2004 when compared to 2003 as exports of chemicals fell …

Ireland's merchandise trade with non-EU countries fell marginally in 2004 when compared to 2003 as exports of chemicals fell and exports of medical equipment rose.

While overall exports fell by 0.2 per cent and imports by 0.5 per cent, there were nevertheless many compensating shifts at product level.

The trade figures prepared by the Central Statistics show that exports of organic chemicals decreased from €9.5 billion to €8billion (-16 per cent) and computers from €4.8 billion to €3.8 billion (-21per cent).

Exports of professional, scientific and controlling apparatus increased from €1.6 billion to €2.7 billion (+ 64per cent) and medical and pharmaceutical products from €2.8 billion to €3.4 billion (+19per cent).


Exports to the US decreased from €16.9 billion to €16.5 billion (-3per cent) and Canada from €469 million to €326 million (-30per cent).

Exports to Japan increased from €2,1 billion to €2.3 billion  (+11per cent) and Switzerland from €2.6 billion to €2.7 billion (+6 per cent).

Imports from the USA decreased from €7 billion to €6,568 billion (-6per cent) and Japan from €1.9 billion  to €1.8 billion  (-10per cent) while imports  from China increased from €2 billion to €2.6 billion  (+30per cent) and Taiwan from €754 million to €914 million (+21per cent).