Extension of points to seatbelts welcomed

The extension of the penalty points system to drivers not wearing seatbelts has been welcomed by motoring organisations.

The extension of the penalty points system to drivers not wearing seatbelts has been welcomed by motoring organisations.

Penalty points for drivers not wearing seat belts will take effect from next Monday. Drivers will also be responsible for ensuring that passengers under 17 are also wearing seatbelts.

According to Mr Mike Kavanagh of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, wearing a seatbelt reduces a person's chance of being seriously injured or killed in the event of a crash, yet many people still do not wear them.

A survey carried out in 2002 by the NRA shows that 72 per cent of drivers wear seatbelts compared with the previous study in 1999 which showed only 57 per cent compliance. Mr Kavanagh said the results suggest that the message is starting to be taken on board, however Ireland still lags behind Britain where 89 per cent of drivers belt up.


The Institute of Advanced Motorists is a non-profit organisation with the stated aims of improving driving standards, promoting road safety and providing an advanced driving test. It has been promoting advanced motoring techniques since 1956 and in Ireland has its head office in Kilkenny.