Extra Garda patrols planned for festival weekend

Extra Garda patrols have been planned for this St Patrick's festival weekend following more than 700 public order arrests around…

Extra Garda patrols have been planned for this St Patrick's festival weekend following more than 700 public order arrests around the State on St Patrick's Day.

Gardaí said that 407 people were arrested in the Dublin region on St Patrick's Day, with 252 of these arrests for public order offences. Offences included being drunk and disorderly, not moving on when requested, drinking on the street and trespassing.

A Garda spokesman said some of the other 155 offences might or might not have involved St Patrick's Day revellers. The vast majority of these people would be appearing in court at some stage, he said.

Gardai are due to mount extra patrols over the weekend to monitor public order in cities and towns around the country.