Michael Vineyresponds to queries and observations on nature
A bird like a collared dove was perched on a branch directly underneath two collared doves. But it was smaller with a thinner neck and grey and white streaks running down its breast.
Catherine Holland, Ennis, Co Clare
It was probably a juvenile collared dove with breast stripes more pronounced than in the adult.
In our back garden, a poppy that has been in tight bud since the last days of September has hung on despite heavy frosts and bloomed this week, a bright crimson. And when painting the kitchen a ladybird appeared on the cooker hood.
Frances van Velzen, Goatstown, D14
The ladybird came out of hibernation, perhaps from behind the hood.
I found two trigger fish dead on the beach in Portballitrae Bay on Dec 6th. The larger one was very fresh - still steely blue and silver; the other a bit faded.
Philip Watson, Portballintrae, Co Antrim