Eye on Nature

Michael Viney responds to your queries and observations on nature.

Michael Viney responds to your queries and observations on nature.

We spotted a large beetle scuttling over the pebbles in Castlewellan Forest Park, Co Down. When we approached it stopped dead, lifted its tail high over its back and raised its head a little.It was black, about 3-3.5cm long and had impressive scorpion-like pincers. Christina Martin, Dromore, Co Down

It was the devil's coach-horse, a rove beetle commonly called the deargadaol in Ireland.

The big horse-chestnut threw this year's crop of conkers all over the yard. Every morning they were gone. Rats? No, one dawn I saw a bold young hare gleaning before the garage door. Last night he overate and slept it off in the fuchsia-brake, where Rocky the terrier found him. A conker-fattened hare will make a fine dinner. Nick Harman, Louisburgh, Co Mayo


When driving after sunset between Maam Cross and Oughterard I was startled when a large stag and a doe deer crossed into the road. I have never seen a wild deer in Connemara. Frank Monahan, Bearna, Co. Galway

There have been several escapes from Connemara National Park which has huge ranges of mountain and woodland.

Send observations to Michael Viney, Thallabawn, Carrowniskey PO, Westport, Co Mayo. email at viney@anu.ie (include postal address)