Eye On Nature

For the last many years I have noticed a particular phenomenon at the end of summer

For the last many years I have noticed a particular phenomenon at the end of summer. On certain warm, sunny days the ants that live in the pavements emerge and swarm, with winged ants much in evidence. At the same time, the gulls seem very excited and circle overhead in flocks. What is happening?

Larry Gordon, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin

The ants were assembling for their mating flight. In summer the worker ants rear males and queens, all with wings, but keep them underground until the time of the nuptial flight. The triggers for the nuptial flights are climatic, including high humidity, and they provide a ready takeaway for the local gulls. The males die soon afterwards, but the mated queens return to earth, rub off their wings and go back under- ground, there to lay eggs for the next 10 or 20 years.

Hazel Graham, Kilmacanogue, Co Wicklow


You had a visit from a badger digging for grubs. If he persists, you will need a good fence to keep him out.

Edited by Michael Viney, who welcomes observations sent to him at Thallabawn, Carrowniskey PO, Westport, Co Mayo. Email: viney@anu.ie. Email should be accompanied by postal address, as location can be important to identification or behaviour.