Eye on nature

Michael Viney responds to queries and observations on nature.

Michael Viney responds to queries and observations on nature.

Some holly trees have been virtually completely stripped of berries, while others have not been touched. Is there a difference in the palatability or nutritional value in some holly berries, or are they leaving them for later?

David and Bridget Taylor, Collinstown, Co Westmeath.

Untouched holly berries could be defended by mistle thrushes. One study found mistle thrushes vigorously defending berried trees such as holly and hawthorn in winter saving them for later.


Do house-crickets occur in Ireland? A friend says she hears them at night but has not so far seen one.

Keith Lamb, Clara, Co Offaly.

They were more plentiful when hearth fires were common, but disappeared with modern cookers. They are now scarce.

Recently in a narrow laneway a badger ambled for more than a hundred yards in my headlights until the first gateway appeared. A fox would have disappeared through the hedge. An old man told me that badgers cannot jump.

Jim Sutton, New Ross, Co Wexford.

Badgers can climb trees and can jump some heights. If your badger was alarmed it would have taken off at a fine clip.