Eye on nature

Michael Viney responds to queries and observations on nature.

Michael Viney responds to queries and observations on nature.

I would like to know how well buzzards and barn owls are doing in Wicklow, and if the pine marten has re-established itself there.

Colm Whooley, Ballinaclash, Co. Wicklow

Buzzards have extended their range from the north into the east and midlands and are breeding in Wicklow. Barn owls are in decline due to habitat loss, but are still breeding in the county. Check the Irish East Coast Bird Report from Birdwatch Ireland: http://shop.birdwatchireland. ie/birdwatchireland/. There have been sightings of pine martens in Co Wicklow.


We saw a bird of prey thrashing through the inner branches of a small elder tree in pursuit of small birds. It had a small head, dark upper side and light grey/brown with brown stripes underneath. When it failed it flew off.

Freddie Symmons & Saoirse O'Donoghue, Knocknarea, Co Sligo.

It was a sparrowhawk.

There has been a surprising sighting of a pine marten up a tree near Ballymore Eustace, Co Kildare.

Kerry Pocock, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

They seem to have reached almost every county.