Readers' observations on nature

Readers' observations on nature

After the westerly gales a little bird landed early on June 23rd on our yacht, about 40 miles south of Hook Head when we were in the Round Ireland Race. It refused cereal-type food, but drank water and remained for about half an hour, when it took off flying towards Waterford.

Brian Berry, Malahide, Co Dublin

It was a spotted flycatcher. They arrive later than other summer visitors and so were coming in June.


My grandson and I were fishing in Derrynane Bay when a gannet landed and stayed near our boat. When I reeled in a multi-fish catch, the gannet dived, took the top mackerel off the hook, surfaced and swallowed it. Unfortunately he got hooked, but amidst the chaos of wriggling mackerel and snapping bird I managed to release him.

Barry and David Macken, Limerick

While fishing at Old Head, Clew Bay, recently, I noticed a large dark bird chasing two smaller terns for their catch. The larger bird harried them in a spectacular aeronautical display until one dropped their fish, which the black bird caught midair.

David Clarke, Clontarf, Dublin 3

What you witnessed was a demonstration of kleptoparasitism, most likely by a skua. Skuas are always harassing terns and stealing their food.

• Michael Viney welcomes observations at Thallabawn, Carrowniskey PO, Westport, Co Mayo; e-mail: viney@anu.ie. Include a postal address