Fact-finders: politicians to visit Tibet

TIBET: MEMBERS OF an Oireachtas subcommittee whose mandate is to examine human rights issues are to undertake a fact-finding…

TIBET:MEMBERS OF an Oireachtas subcommittee whose mandate is to examine human rights issues are to undertake a fact-finding visit to Tibet.

The decision on the visit followed a presentation to the subcommittee by Kesang Takla, a senior representative of exiled Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama.

Mrs Takla outlined the situation in Tibet and said there were significant concerns about the lack of freedom of religion and expression in the country.

Following questions from committee members, she also highlighted what she said was significant environmental damage in the region because of mining and deforestation by the Chinese authorities.


This should be of concern to the "global community", she said, stressing the need for Irish and international support for the Tibetan people.

Chairman of the subcommittee, Ivor Callely (FF), confirmed that a delegation will undertake the fact-finding mission, but stressed that it would also be seeking input from the Chinese authorities.