Families' civil action gets backing

The families of the victims of the Omagh bombing tonight received high-level backing for their plans to bring a civil action …

The families of the victims of the Omagh bombing tonight received high-level backing for their plans to bring a civil action against the people they believe are responsible for the 1998 attack.

Following the conviction Colm Murphy for conspiring to cause the bombing today, former Northern Secretary Mr Peter Mandelson said in a statement: "This conviction is a great relief and is a step forward in bringing justice for the Omagh victims."

But other suspects were still walking free, the Hartlepool MP said.

Civil writs against five men were issued by solicitor’s acting for the families at the High Court in Belfast last August.


It is the first time in the world a writ has been served against a terrorist organisation. Lord Brennan will be heading a team of barristers instructed by London solicitors Henry Hepworth in the families’ attempt to allocate responsibility for the bombing and seek compensation.

A statement issued by the Omagh Victims Legal Trust at the writs were filed said: "The "Real IRA" claimed responsibility for the bomb. This action is about making it accountable."

The families are attempting to raise £1 million to cover the costs of the action.

Additional reporting PA