Family meets Mandelson on Hamill death

A "lively and detailed" discussion on the prospect of establishing an inquiry into the death of Mr Robert Hamill took place in…

A "lively and detailed" discussion on the prospect of establishing an inquiry into the death of Mr Robert Hamill took place in Stormont yesterday when Mr Hamill's family met the Northern Secretary of State, Mr Peter Mandelson.

The family's solicitor, Mr Barra McGrory, said he presented new information to Mr Mandelson.

He said the Secretary of State would not speculate on whether a public inquiry would be set up.

Mr Hamill's relatives told Mr Mandelson RUC officers did not intervene when Mr Hamill was kicked to death by a loyalist gang in Portadown town centre in April 1997. Mr Mandelson told the Hamill family he would consult the Attorney General and the Chief Constable.


The British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, has agreed to meet the family.

Mr Paul Mageean, spokesman for the Committee on the Administration of Justice, said he hoped the meeting would take place before the end of this month.