Famous women recalled on stamps

FOUR new stamps are now on, sale at post offices around the State

FOUR new stamps are now on, sale at post offices around the State. The stamps commemorate Lady Gregory, playwright and co founder of the Abbey Theatre Louie Bennett, trade unionist and, suffragette UNICEF's 50th anniversary and the inclusion of the Boyne Valley monuments on UNESCO's World Heritage List.

A spokeswoman for An Post said that 40 European postal administrations are issuing stamps "commemorating famous women, the agreed theme for the 1996 Europa stamp issue". The 32p Louie Bennett and 44p Lady Gregory stamps are designed by Steven Young.

The 32p UNICEF stamp was designed by Q Design. Since 1946, UNICEF has provided emergency health care, nutrition and education for children in the developing world.

The Boyne Valley site is made up of the internationally renowned passage tombs Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth, and other monuments on the river Boyne.


Its inclusion in the World Heritage List 1993 means it is considered equal in importance to the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids and Stonehenge by UNESCO, the United National Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. An Post's new stamp features an illustration of Newgrange by Liam Belton.