Farrakhan warns US on need for peace, equity

The Nation of Islam leader, Mr Louis Farrakhan, appealing for peace in the Middle East, warned at the "Million Family March" …

The Nation of Islam leader, Mr Louis Farrakhan, appealing for peace in the Middle East, warned at the "Million Family March" here that even in the US "we will be at each other's throats if the principles of peace and equity are denied."

The rally, which attracted thousands to the Mall between the Capitol and the White House, was called to promote family values, religious faith and education. Colourfully dressed choirs sang Gospel hymns and a series of speakers deplored the breakdown of marriages and excessive violence in entertainment.

The rally took place on the fifth anniversary of the "Million Man March" which was also organised by Mr Farrakhan but for black men only. This rally was meant to attract families regardless of colour but consisted mainly of black families.

A highlight was a mass wedding ceremony for about 10,000 families conducted by Mr Farrakhan.


A co-sponsor of the march was the Unification Church of the Rev Sun Myung Moon, which has also organised mass nuptials in Washington and in South Korea, where the church originated.

Several stages and 14 giant TV screens were set up around the Mall for the attendance to follow the events. The atmosphere was relaxed as parents and children strolled around the Mall in warm sunshine.

The "Million Man March" in 1995 caused controversy because it was limited to black men and because Mr Farrakhan had been accused of anti-white and anti-Semitic utterances and was a supporter President Saddam Hussein of Iraq and the Libyan leader, Col Moamer Gadafy. Black politicians had shunned that march but yesterday the Congressional Black Caucus was represented.

Observers say that Mr Farrakhan has toned down his earlier anti-Semitism since he was diagnosed as suffering from prostate cancer. In his keynote address he appealed for unity among different races.