Fate of Czech government unclear

In Short: PRAGUE - A junior coalition partner has quit the Czech government, handing the Communist Party the power to decide…

In Short: PRAGUE - A junior coalition partner has quit the Czech government, handing the Communist Party the power to decide if prime minister Stanislav Gross's cabinet survives the week.

The centrist Christian Democrats yesterday voted overwhelmingly to leave the centre-left cabinet, due to a row over Mr Gross's family finances. The move takes away the government's majority in parliament. - (Reuters)

Romania submits corruption plan

BUCHAREST - Romania's new centrist government submitted its anti-corruption plan to the European Union yesterday, meeting a March 31st deadline. Widespread corruption is the main obstacle to Romania's EU membership, expected in 2007. - (Reuters)


$1m in unpaid hospital bills

NEW YORK - An 82-year-old woman who refused to leave a California hospital for more than a year has been evicted after racking up more than €530,000 ($1 million) in unpaid medical bills.

Ms Sarah Nome was admitted to the Kaiser Permanente San Rafael hospital in January 2004 following a lengthy spell in several nursing homes after breaking both legs. - (PA)