Father given 8 life sentences for rape

A Donegal man who told gardaí he had an uncontrollable sexual urge has been given eight life sentences as well as 24 years in…

A Donegal man who told gardaí he had an uncontrollable sexual urge has been given eight life sentences as well as 24 years in further consecutive jail terms by Mr Justice Carney for rape and sexual assault of his daughters and nieces.

The 49-year-old former soldier, who cannot be named to protect the victims' identities, had been on six UNIFIL tours with the Army in the Lebanon. He pleaded guilty at the Central Criminal Court to 20 sample charges of rape, attempted rape and sexual abuse of two of his daughters and four nieces.

The court heard that the man's wife first complained about his offending with their daughters in 1987. However, though a file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions, gardaí were directed that he was not to be charged.

Health Board social workers took charge of the case and he was banned from living in the home for a time but was eventually allowed back.


Garda Felim Moran told the court that the evidence from the victims, confirmed by the defendant, showed that his offending restarted. He admitted to taking the girls in turns to abuse them in the house and in other places.

Garda Moran said gardaí interviewed the man in February 2000 in St Bricín's military hospital, where he had been sent after he attempted suicide in the Lebanon.

He told gardaí he had "a sexual urge he could not control" and was ashamed of himself.

He had no previous convictions and left the Army voluntarily with an honourable discharge when these matters came to light again in 2000.

One of his daughters told Mr Justice Carney they had been afraid to sleep at home when he was around and were terrified of him. When the knock came on their bedroom door in the morning they knew he was going to abuse one or other of them.

She said they eventually complained to gardaí to save other siblings from possible abuse.

One of his nieces, who said she was speaking on behalf of the other five victims, said he had destroyed their lives.