Father offers reward for son's stolen notes

A desperate Galway father is offering a reward to recover his son's college notes before a crucial exam, it emerged today.

A desperate Galway father is offering a reward to recover his son's college notes before a crucial exam, it emerged today.

John Newell, from Kilbannon, County Galway said the notes were stolen when his son was visiting Dublin over the Easter weekend. Galway , sits his exams in 10 days time.

Thieves broke into his car and stole the radio, a bag of clothes and a bag containing two years of college notes.

Mr Newell said he was offering a reward to get the notes back, before his son Michael, a 19-year-old electronic engineering student in NUI


"We just want to get the notes back to help him prepare for his exams," he said. "We can cope with the loss of the radio and the clothes.

The thieves broke into the car, which was parked in the grounds of St Mary's Church on Anglesea Road in Ballsbridge, by drilling a hole under the door lock.

Mr Newell said he believed they would have dumped the bag nearby when they realised it was full of college notes.

"The notes could be in some garden or waste ground or thrown over a wall. Anyone living around the area may have spotted something."

He added that if the thieves still had the notes, he hoped they would let him know where they were.

Anyone with information can contact Mr Newell about the reward via Donnybrook Garda Station at 01 6669200.