Feats of friendly rivalry in boxes of constant delight

David Bolger has done it again! His 40-minute Boxes, for Cois Ceim in Players Theatre, is a constant delight

David Bolger has done it again! His 40-minute Boxes, for Cois Ceim in Players Theatre, is a constant delight. Two packers move cardboard boxes around like a Rubic cube, performing various feats in friendly rivalry; being discovered in strange poses in sudden windows; diving through unexpected doorways, bursting from boxes in showers of polystyrene. They indulge in wilder and wilder games until, using box lids as the swing doors of a saloon, they become by turns all the characters of a Western, from gunman to drunk to bar floozie while Jim Eadie's sound quotes A Fistful of Dollars.

Until October 14th at 7 p.m.; with matinees at 1.15 p.m. on Saturday 7th and 14th.