Feel the Force

Sony Playstation £34.99

Sony Playstation £34.99

Fans of fighting games are not on the endangered species list by any stretch of the imagination and Star Wars fans could hardly be described as being thin on the ground either. Thus the concept of a "beat 'em up" with a Star Wars theme was a match made in heaven. Even the thought of engaging in light sabre battles against Darth Vader himself is mouth-watering.

Initially you have nine characters to choose from including Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, Princess Leia Chewbacca and Boba Fett but surprise characters are available as you progress through the game, the Dark Lord of the Sith being the ultimate goal.

All characters have their own individual moves. The Force, as expected, plays a role in battle, but when a player uses this it is often unblockable and takes huge chunks of energy from the victim. Consequently the gameplay can become a little imbalanced.


Despite being terribly appealing and with the wonderful Star Wars sound, Masters of Teras Kasi is a bit of a disappointment. It's not that it is a bad game but when you match it against the big boys like Tekken, it just doesn't have the subtle touches of a class fighting game. But the case can also be made that Tekken or any other fighting game doesn't boast a line-up of characters familiar to most of the civilised world.

If you are not a "beat 'em up" or Star Wars fanatic, then it might be one to steer clear of. If you are, however, then may The Force be with you.

Graphics: 84%, Sound: 92%, Gameplay: 79%