Female taoiseach is expected

Cigarette smoking will be made illegal and a woman will be elected Taoiseach, according to a survey on expectations of life in…

Cigarette smoking will be made illegal and a woman will be elected Taoiseach, according to a survey on expectations of life in the 21st century. Some 1,400 people took part in the survey, carried out by Lansdowne Market Research for the Marketing Society.

Eighty-six per cent of respondents said they believed there would be a female Taoiseach and 59 per cent said they felt smoking would be banned.

While 45 per cent said they believed homosexual marriages would probably become legal, only 31 per cent of Irish people said that a child born on New Year's Day 2000 would see human cloning in its lifetime. Some 71 per cent said AIDS and cancer would be conquered in the next century.