Ferry firm uses Glasgow as Dublin in advert

A ferry company has used a picture of a Glasgow street to promote trips to Dublin.

A ferry company has used a picture of a Glasgow street to promote trips to Dublin.

P&O Irish Ferries have apologised for using the images in their ferry magazine Welcome Aboard.

The Glasgow Evening Timessays the picture shows four women walking down Glasgow's Buchanan Street and is taken from a local tourist brochure.

A spokeswoman for the ferry company said it would consider giving the Glasgow girls in the picture a free holiday to Dublin and Belfast as an apology.


The firm that produces the glossy magazine for P&O has trimmed and reversed the picture, making it less obvious the girls are in Glasgow.

Glasgow's Lord Provost, Mr Alex Mosson, said: "Our girls are streets ahead and miles better. I think this shows the strength of Glasgow, when other cities have to steal our girls in order to keep up with us".

Mr Mosson - who is also chairman of the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board - said he took the mistake as a huge compliment to Glasgow and its city centre.