FG criticises Government record on tackling crime

Fine Gael has today criticised the Government’s "zero tolerance" policy and claimed 95 per cent of Dubliners believe not enough…

Fine Gael has today criticised the Government’s "zero tolerance" policy and claimed 95 per cent of Dubliners believe not enough is being done to tackle crime in the city.

Mr Alan Shatter

It said the Government, which promised in the previous general election it would deal severely with crime in Dublin and extend "zero tolerance" to offenders, has in reality made "miserable efforts" to deal with the problem.

Citing statistics from a survey, Fine Gael claimed "the public has lost all faith in the Government’s ability to reclaim the streets".

The survey, carried out on 4,000 Dubliners, showed 93 per cent of people do not feel safe walking in the city centre at night and that 95 per cent want to see a bigger Garda presence on the city streets.


Fine Gael spokesman on justice Mr Alan Shatter said the survey results showed that "city dwellers feel that the gardaí have been deserted by the Government".

He said should Fine Gael be elected into government, it would put major emphasis on community policing.