FG inquiry flawed, says councillor

Cllr Cathal Boland, one of the three councillors the Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, has said he might not ratify for election…

Cllr Cathal Boland, one of the three councillors the Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, has said he might not ratify for election as a result of the Nugent inquiry, said yesterday the party's inquiry was "fundamentally flawed". His criticism follows last week's similar statement by Senator Liam Cosgrave.

Mr Boland said the terms of reference, of the inquiry, chaired by Mr James Nugent SC, had been changed between its establishment and the issuing of the report. The terms of reference had not been adhered to.

He said Fine Gael had failed to answer the basic questions which had been asked of the methodology of the Nugent inquiry. The core question was whether it acted fairly. Did it take account of natural and constitutional justice? Did it treat each person fairly and equally? Did it understand the terms of reference?

"I have a sincerely held belief that certain aspects of communication with Mr Justice Flood's tribunal are confidential. I told the Fine Gael inquiry team this fact. They have not presented a sustainable argument to dissuade me of that opinion. Publicly my reputation is tarnished, my political career undermined with no warning, no consideration for family or friends."


Mr Boland said his record stood up to examination. "I am the seconder to the successful motions passed by Dublin County Council which in turn sought in 1989 to ensure adequate resources were made available to the then Garda inquiry into corruption in the planning process and in 1990 sought the establishment of a sworn public judicial inquiry into the then current allegations of corruption in the planning process in Dublin city and county."