FG is Ireland's most influential party in Europe - Kenny

Fine Gael today launched its European election manifesto today predicting it would retain its four EU seats on June 11th.

Fine Gael today launched its European election manifesto today predicting it would retain its four EU seats on June 11th.

Party leader Mr Enda Kenny is calling for Ireland to play an active role in common defence and security arrangements, and for the President of the European Commission to be directly elected.

With three of Fine Gael's four MEPs retiring, and two constituencies shrinking from four seats to three, there have predictions that the party could lose some of its seats.

Mr Kenny said that as Fine Gael was the only Irish member of the European People's Party - the largest group in the European Parliament - it would enjoy more influence in Brussels and Strasbourg than other parties in the Dáil.
"It is now vital that we consolidate our position in the new, enlarged Europe. We must have strong effective representation when the vital decisions are being made," Mr Kenny said.