FG measure on debt defaulters published

Legislation which would allow the courts the option of making an attachment of earnings orders on debt defaulters - instead of…

Legislation which would allow the courts the option of making an attachment of earnings orders on debt defaulters - instead of sending them to prison - has been published by Fine Gael, writes Maol Muire Tynan, Political Reporter. Unveiling the Enforcement of Court Orders Bill yesterday, Fine Gael's spokesman on justice, Mr Jim Higgins, said the legislation was designed to reduce pressure on an overcrowded prison system.

According to Mr Higgins, in 1994 - the last year for which official figures were available - 2,443 people were committed to prison for failure to pay fines, civil debts, contempt of court and sureties. The Bill, he estimated, would save the Exchequer more than £2 million annually. Under the proposed legislation, the courts could apply community service orders, attachment of earnings orders, attachment of social welfare orders or money payment supervision orders.