FG unveils plan to encourage safer driving

Fine Gael today announced a six-point plan to improve motoring conditions around the country.

Fine Gael today announced a six-point plan to improve motoring conditions around the country.

The plan was unveiled this afternoon by Fine Gael TD Shane McEntee, who focused on "road conditions, road signage and markings, speed limits and driver training".

While not discounting the effects of speeding and drink-driving on road safety, Mr McEntee argues that there are other factors that have contributed to the 232 on the state's roads this year.

"Much has been said about speeding and drink driving and Fine Gael supports all efforts to address those very serious issues. However, the issue of road conditions and the driving environment is one that I believe has not received enough attention in the debate on road safety," said Mr McEntee.


His recommendations include:

  • the expansion of road safety audits "to cover all national public roads, footways, kerbs and verges";
  • a doubling of the €3 million budget allocated to local authorities to overhaul and update our road signage;
  • the establishment of accident investigation units to determine the root cause of all major road accidents;
  • an immediate review of speed limits to eradicate "unmarked and illogical limits";
  • the establishment of five "Regional Off-Road Training Facilities" where inexperienced drivers would take lessons;
  • a new publicity campaign run by the new Road Safety Authority to highlight to all motorists the importance of safe tyres.

Fine Gael estimates the cost of these measures to be around €10 million.