Fifth of UK parents say child bullied - report

One in five British parents says their child has been bullied over the last 12 months, a survey has claimed.

One in five British parents says their child has been bullied over the last 12 months, a survey has claimed.

The research carried out for the umbrella group of England's Parent Teacher Associations (NCPTA) suggests bullying is a major concern for most parents, and campaigners said most parents believed more should be done to tackle the issue.

More than 1,600 replies were receive by parents, 97 per cent of whom said bullying was an important issue for them.

The government estimates that one in three children are bullied at some point during their secondary school careers, and a quarter of all primary school children will be victims of bullying.


Publication of the research coincides with the start of the first national anti-bullying week. More than 50 organisations are involved in a drive to reduce bullying that will feature Olympic champion Kelly Holmes and England footballer Rio Ferdinand for the launch.

As part of the campaign, BBC Radio One will air messages from DJs and pop stars. And children will be encouraged to wear a wristband as a sign of their determination to beat bullying and to support victims.