Fine courses

The smartly designed new brochure for the courses given at Roger and Olivia Goodwillie's Lavistown Study Centre, just outside…

The smartly designed new brochure for the courses given at Roger and Olivia Goodwillie's Lavistown Study Centre, just outside Kilkenny, promises an impressive line-up for the year.

As well as the famous courses exploring the Burren, and the great mushroom hunts led by Roger, Dolores Keegan joins Olivia for a course on growing and cooking herbs and there are courses on painting flowers with Daphne Levinge, landscape painting with Leslie Fennell, basket-making with Irene and Barbara Kelly, while Arthur Shackleton leads a guided tour of three gardens in south Kilkenny and Wexford. For a brochure, tel and fax: 056-65145.

Correction: In the recipe for Cod Baked With A Mushroom And Herb Crust in last week's Weekend, the amount of melted butter was incorrectly given as 10 oz. The correct amount is one oz.