Firm challenges planning notice

A Co Waterford construction company faces a possible £l million fine and its directors a two-year prison sentence for an alleged…

A Co Waterford construction company faces a possible £l million fine and its directors a two-year prison sentence for an alleged breach of the planning laws, the High Court was told yesterday.

Mr Conleth Bradley, counsel for McInerney Construction Ltd, Waterford, told Mr Justice Quirke that Waterford Corporation was alleging his client had, without authority, constructed an access road to a local housing development, Grantstown Estate, on the Dunmore Road.

He said a warning notice from the corporation was of serious concern to McInerney Construction. His client claimed the local authority had erred in law.

Mr Justice Quirke put a stay on the warning notice and granted McInerney leave to seek an order of certiorari quashing the decision.