Five people taken off jet remanded

Five holidaymakers arrested after a brawl on an aircraft were remanded on bail for a month yesterday after their solicitor said…

Five holidaymakers arrested after a brawl on an aircraft were remanded on bail for a month yesterday after their solicitor said he needed time to study videos and other evidence.

The accused were in a party of 12 unemployed Irish men and women, all from Phurston Road, Lewisham, south London, who were taken off the flight after Airtours Flight Kestrel 1071 was forced to divert to the US when the pilot reported a brawl.

The 12 had been flying to Montego Bay, Jamaica, but ended up at Norfolk International Airport, Virginia, for three days, before being flown back to Britain where they were arrested.

Mr Myles Connors (36) and Mr Francis Coyle (40) faced charges of affray and behaviour likely to endanger an aircraft when they appeared before magistrates at Crawley, Sussex, yesterday. Ms Josephine Cooper (19), Ms Angela O'Driscoll (39) and her sister, Elizabeth (33), were accused of being drunk on an aircraft.


Their solicitor, Mr Patrick Keogh, said: "I am requesting an adjournment as I have only just been handed the bundle of evidence and these exciting videos."