Five shots fired at Dublin house

Gardaí investigating a shooting in Sean McDermott Street early this morning have released a description of the suspected attacker…

Gardaí investigating a shooting in Sean McDermott Street early this morning have released a description of the suspected attacker.

A man at the door of a house, which was the scene of the shooting. Photo: PA Wire
A man at the door of a house, which was the scene of the shooting. Photo: PA Wire

Five shots were fired at a house on the Dublin street at approximately 5.45am.

Three of the shots went through a front ground floor window, and two went through the front door. The house was occupied at the time, but nobody was injured.

A man described as approximately 1.82 metres (six feet) in height, wearing a black tracksuit with a his hood up and a red mask over his face, was seen running down Gloucester Lane after the attack.


Gardaí at Fitzgibbon Street are investigating.