Flight of fashion

All the city's fashion folk got together on Thursday when the fabulously fashionable designers Pearce Fionda launched its collection…

All the city's fashion folk got together on Thursday when the fabulously fashionable designers Pearce Fionda launched its collection for Debenhams in Eden restaurant in Temple Bar. Ren Pearce and Andrew Fionda made it over from London for the occasion, and in addition to Thursday's lunch date (complete with fashion show organised by the ever-competent Sonia Reynolds), joined the Debenham's gang in the Clarence Tea Rooms the evening before.

Head man Terry Green flew in just for the evening despite a busy schedule: the store is de-merging from the Burton Group in the coming months. Stephanie Chen, the main fashion buyer who looks after all the other designers in the Debenham's stable, Jasper Conran, Ben de Lisi and Philip Treacy included, was enjoying the trip. While her father is Chinese, her mother is one of 14 from Kells in Co Meath.

The group was in good company on Wednesday night; at a table alongside was model Naomi Campbell who was joined for dinner by antiques dealer, Chantal O'Sullivan, singer Gavin Friday and artist Guggi.