Floodlights to be erected at soccer pitch in Listowel

An Bord Pleanála has allowed floodlights to be erected at a soccer pitch in Listowel, Co Kerry, but has attached conditions following…

An Bord Pleanála has allowed floodlights to be erected at a soccer pitch in Listowel, Co Kerry, but has attached conditions following an objection on the grounds of light pollution.

This is the second time the board has been asked to adjudicate on light pollution at a facility in Co Kerry in recent months.

Planning sources said there was increased scrutiny of light as well as noise in planning applications, and interference attracted a growing number of objections from third parties.

Earlier this year, a sign outside a Christian prayer centre near Cahersiveen in south Co Kerry was objected to mainly on the grounds of light pollution. The board allowed the sign to remain but ordered that floodlighting be removed.


In the case of the Listowel Celtic football grounds, an all-weather soccer pitch at Garryantanavalla, the planning board has allowed the erection of four floodlights on 12m columns. An Bord Pleanála has allowed the floodlighting, saying it had regard to the “established nature of the existing sports facility” and subject to conditions that it would not injure amenities.

It has attached conditions including planting to screen noise and light from the public road leading to the N69, and that the lights be switched off after 10.05pm each night in the interests of residents.