Flynn hoping to 'make a name' as independent TD

Mayo TD Ms Beverley Flynn has siad she wants to "make a name" for herself as an independent TD, and will vote against the Government…

Mayo TD Ms Beverley Flynn has siad she wants to "make a name" for herself as an independent TD, and will vote against the Government on certain issues.

Ms Flynn said yesterday that when she lost the party whip in the past she had continued to behave in the Dáil as if she was a member of the parliamentary party, voting with the Government.

However, she told The Irish Times yesterday that now that she was not just outside the parliamentary party but outside Fianna Fáil, this would change.

"I'm not going to go on like a person they can throw out and expect to turn up for votes. I intend to make a name for myself as an independent."


She said there was no immediate issue on which she would be opposing the Government, but over time "it will all become apparent. I come from a Fianna Fáil background, and I will often support the Government, but there will be times when I won't."

She said she would be voting with her former party colleagues "80 per cent of the time".

Earlier she told Mid West Radio that she was "bitterly disappointed with Friday's outcome, but I will continue to represent the people of Co Mayo as an Independent deputy, and will use the opportunity to vent my disagreement with any issues that I feel are important to Co Mayo".

Despite her expulsion from the party, the TD sat with her former party colleagues at the monthly meeting of Mayo County Council on Monday. She said she was exhausted from the build-up to her expulsion from the party.

She also made clear her anger at the three members of the Fianna Fáil ard comhairle from Mayo who failed to support her in the vote on the Taoiseach's motion to have her expelled from the party organisation.

She said serious questions must be asked as to why the county's constituency delegate representative on the ard comhairle, Ballyhaunis-based solicitor Mr John O'Dwyer, had refused to act on the mandate given to him by the organisation in Mayo prior to Friday night's vote.

"John O'Dwyer was clearly mandated to represent the view of Mayo Fianna Fáil at the ard comhairle meeting, but for whatever reasons he refused to do so.

"At a meeting attended by 350 delegates on the issue in Castlebar on the Friday night before, it was unanimously agreed that I was to be supported in any move to have me removed from the organisation.

"John O'Dwyer is a constituency delegate on the ard comhairle, yet he refused to attend the meeting in Castlebar that supported me. However, he was informed afterwards of the mandate given by the meeting to support me in the expulsion vote, and yet he chose to ignore it."

She said the other two representatives, Mr Daragh Calleary and Mr Iarla Duffy, had free choice in their vote, "but I would have expected both to support me. There's a tradition that we look after our own, but obviously not in this case."