Flynn's future lies within FF, says Taoiseach

Independent TD Beverley Flynn has a "legitimate expectation" to hold junior ministerial office within the lifetime of the current…

Independent TD Beverley Flynn has a "legitimate expectation" to hold junior ministerial office within the lifetime of the current Government, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern said yesterday.

He described the former Fianna Fáil deputy as a person of "enormous ability" who would have been a "very strong contender" for a promotion were it not for the "difficulties" she had experienced.

Asked if he was considering appointing her a Minister of State, Mr Ahern said: "Not at this stage, but I have to say I do believe the future for Beverley Flynn is within the Fianna Fáil party . . . she is working to resolve her own issues and I respect that, but I do hope she returns to Fianna Fáil and I do believe that she has the potential into the future to be a person that has capabilities of being an officer holder."

He said the question of Ms Flynn going back to Fianna Fáil is a "process that has to be resolved with her local organisation".


Separately, in an interview on RTÉ radio's News at One Mr Ahern said Ms Flynn had a "very good future as an office holder". Asked if she had a legitimate expectation to hold office in the lifetime of the new Government, he said: "I think that's a fair expectation.

"I can't give a commitment but I am in support of her in the party and I am also very conscious she is a person of considerable ability . . . we have a job to do in Mayo and in the west we have to build up our strength as a party in the future."

Acknowledging that he and Ms Flynn have had their difficulties and that he had had to take tough action to deal with that, Mr Ahern said she was dealing with her affairs. Ms Flynn was a Fianna Fáil TD until she was expelled from the party three years ago.